Lily Jackson Physiotherapist

Lily Jackson is a Professional fully insured Veterinary Physiotherapy offered by a Chartered & ACPAT registered physio. For horses & dogs in Dorset & surrounding areas

I have been working with Lily now for a couple of years and absolutely loved her treating and caring for my horses ensuring they are in tip top condition ready to compete

From Lily's facebook page …

Veterinary Physiotherapy can be beneficial for a variety of conditions in horses and dogs:

-Maintaining high performance in horses and dogs
-Sports and working injuries and difficulties
-Neck, back and pelvic pain
-Joint problems
-Muscle, ligament and tendon injuries
-Muscle imbalance or weakness
-Post-surgical rehabilitation, orthopaedic and neurological
-Neurological conditions or injuries
-Preventative physiotherapy to avoid recurrence of a problem
-Rider/horse combinations
-To optimise physical state whilst on box rest
-For post-race and post-event treatment

Veterinary Physiotherapy may help identify physical issues presenting in the form of poor performance, schooling or behavioural changes. A thorough assessment will be carried out to plan an individual treatment programme specific to your animal's goals. Depending on what is most effective for your animal's requirements, treatment usually consists of a combination of "hands-on" techniques, electrotherapy, exercises, and rehabilitation such as:

-Joint mobilisations
-Soft Tissue techniques (massage, trigger point and myofascial release)
-Reflex Inhibition using the animal's natural reflexes to encourage stretch and joint movement.
-Electrotherapy (Laser, neuromuscular stimulation, TENs)
-Expert Advice and support
-Exercise regimes and rehabilitation to improve balance, strength and stability.

Referrals may be from your vet or directly from yourself. It is a legal requirement of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 that ANY type of therapist treating your animal must have authorisation from your vet

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