Narrowboat Adventures With The Family

8 people and a dog

A 70ft 4 bedroom narrow boat

Plenty of alcohol and food

100 miles covered at a maximum of 4mph

Over 100 huge single & double locks done =

The Warwickshire Ring completed and to many people's disbelief we've done it in just under a week we even had a mid week issue of arriving at a lock to find the canal pound on the other side empty of water

We've laughed, drank plenty, eaten too much, laughed some more and repeated daily!!

We survived travelling through and staying overnight in central Birmingham which was a real eye opener but of course we've also seen some beautiful countryside views!

The weather has been everything from bright warm sunshine mostly to ridiculously heavy rain one day but that didn't stop us!!!

I would 100% recommend narrow boating to anyone who's not tried it…. Life slowed right down with nothing to worry about (except for when the next lock is) defo has a certain appeal

Laughter really is the best medicine of life!